
Yahoo! Avatars

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thing 1 (continued, again)

O.K. my blog is now registered. Check!
My avatar has been added. Check!
And I learned that I can change my look and background to suit my mood.
This part was fun. I guess it's time to move on. (And colored text is an option!)


dyarca said...

I like your cat!! Wendy

cvillemn said...

This is a boring blog! You are supposed to use a blog as your soapbox! Get on it!

marylibrary said...

Wow! Cvillemn is pretty sharp! I didn't think librarians were so confrontational. However, it gives you a chance to answer back.

I'm with you on the challenges of starting up. I've just started looking at other blogs and most I've seen feel the same intimidation. We just have to keep trying. Good luck.